De Vereniging Nederland-Amerika

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Upcoming Events
*Let op: als u zich hier aanmeldt voor een evenement, voeg extra gasten toe in het veld 'Wat moeten we weten?'

When: Sunday, March 9th • 4pm
Where: Ardmore, PA
Cost: Free to Current Members
Join us for a borrel and meeting at the home of our President in Ardmore, PA. There will be erwtensoep, special cocktails and mocktails, and plenty of hapjes! We will also elect our new board, vote on the by-laws, and discuss plans for the coming year! We really welcome your input and ideas on what you would like to get out of your membership!
Members are encouraged to bring a finger food/appetizer/dessert to share!
Please RSVP to poes@aol.com to say you can't wait to come! Please make sure your dues are paid since this is a members only event.
Event address will be given to those who RSVP.